A Letter of Antonio Luna to His UST Professor

Regalado Trota Jose1,*

Author Affliations

1Archivo de la Universidad de Santo Tomas
*[email protected]


The bound volumes of correspondence and documents preserved in the Archivo de la Universidad de Santo Tomás contain innumerable glimpses into our people’s life and history. The potentials for research and discovery are limitless, more so because a document can be read in many ways and from different viewpoints. The researcher presents below two letters. The first was signed and sent by Antonio Luna to his professor in the University of Santo Tomas, Fr. Casto de Elera, O.P. Luna was jailed on charges of joining the revolution, and was imprisoned in Fort Santiago. Although his letter is not dated, the response in the second letter, that of the addressee Fr. de Elera mentions receiving the letter “today,” that is February 7, 1897. We present transcriptions of the two letters, followed by their translations. Note that in Luna’s letter we have included words that he struck out.